Starting Over

With writing as well as photography, it is often easier to start with a process of elimination – removing things from the frame. This isnt going to be a food or personal lifestyle blog; maybe someone eating a hotdog on 14th St is the closest we’ll get. Carving away the larger pieces reveals there wont be as many street eaters as there will be storefronts, buildings, bridges, but it isnt necessarily about architecture – or the street art and graffiti canvassing it. Many, many people, a seemingly endless train of humanity in every possible form and fashion – but this isnt a style report, nor is it just a voyeuristic pursuit.


Hopefully we can go off into the everyday unseen, the obscure angles and visuals abstractions with the same enthusiasm we have for those sublime, fleeting moments which make holding a camera seem like some sort of magic item and hitting the shutter doesnt feel like so much a matter of free will as it is destiny. Street photography is strange in that way, it is many things at the same time and none of them at all. The further we squeeze our conception of it, the more liquid and vague it becomes: public photography doesnt seem to distill anything from the original. The width of the banner is certainly part of its appeal.

Bedford Ave

So Ill ask in advance for you to allow me a few liberties with the photography, and some wide range to draw in various subjects with the writing. While most of the photographs I will be posting initially were shot in 2016 or earlier, you’ll see current stuff making its way into the blog eventually and Im excited about where things are going in 2017.
